Safeguarding Training Quiz 2024 PDF Template
Safeguarding Training Quiz 2024 PDF Template
We all know how important it is for everyone in school to understand the safeguarding policy, procedures and the Keeping Children Safe in Education document.
We've created a useful quiz for you to download and share with staff to assess the impact of their safeguarding training.
It includes a 'Before training' and 'After training' section where participants are asked to indicate their level of knowledge and confidence such as understanding what safeguarding is and how children can be harmed, recognising indicators of child abuse, neglect, exploitation, and radicalisation, understanding responsibilities, familiarity with staff code of conduct and whistle blowing procedures, and comprehension of the school's child protection and safeguarding policies.
Using this quiz will give you an understanding of the impact of your training, and where more training may be needed.
This is a pdf available to download and print in line with KCSIE 2024.
Format: Editable word document
Number of pages: 3
Approximate amount of time saved: 6 hours